Today we started the day with a family from one of our dear guests that unfortunately is not with us anymore… Rene Hunziker 🤍 He was very kind and very interested in the animals and in the way we conduct our trips. He also loved to stop by our spotter Carlos, and check the wildlife through Carlos’ binoculars. He will be missed and the beautiful homage his family payed him today was very touching.
In the afternoon, our spotter was on fire and after a few days with no sightings and bad weather in the mixture, we hit jackpot. For another couple that comes very often with us, this was pure joy. We battled the waves for sometime but it was worth it. Our guide, Melanie, saw a blow and she told Pedro, our captain. He phoned our spotter to say what Melanie has seen, and boom in deed there was Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) around. After this, we had yet another sighting of Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). What a day full of emotions!
Note: Unfortunately we had a technical problem with the camera, and I couldn’t take any pictures but our savior Mr Tetens was so kind to send us some pictures so everyone could remind of the beautiful sightings we had.
by Melanie
Sightings of the day
Ribeira Brava
09:30 No Sightings
13:30 Bottlenose dolphins, Sperm whales