Today it was like a dream: best weather, calm Ocean and WONDERful sightings. The morning started with an awesome sighting of Atlantic Spotted dolphins. But then we got a huge surprise! We had a whale! To the joy of all it was a Humpback whale. What a huge spectacle! If such a huge body lifts itself out into the air, it’s easy to stop breathing. This was a huge excitement for the guests and the crew as well. We were able to see how this huge, majestic whale turned to his side and slapped with his flippers on the surface of the ocean. These flippers are five meters long. By the way in the North Atlantic these flippers are white. How lucky we were! Thank you nature, THANK YOU! So now you can count how many times I used the word “huge”! Why so often? Because it was a huge adventure!
The afternoon was dreamlike. The beautiful Common dolphins and pleasurable Atlantic Spotted dolphins whipped a smile on our guests faces. It was just exquisite!
by Fatima Kutzschbach
Sighting of the day:
Ribeira Brava
10.00: Atlantic Spotted dolphins, Humpback whale
14.30: Common dolphins, Atlantic Spotted dolphins
10.00: Atlantic Spotted dolphins, Humpback whale
15.00: Common dolphins Atlantic Spotted dolphins
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