Today we had quite a few different feeding situations out on the ocean. The Atlantic Spotted dolphins (only in the morning) and the Bottlenose dolphins had the opportunity to fill up their stomachs. During the day in search for food they travel around hundred kilometers on average. This is quite an achievement not forgetting that they have to hunt the prey as well. Every hunt means as well a loss of energy to take in some energy. In such situations it is sometimes better to leave the animals a little bit earlier to give them time to do what they love to do at most. During our afternoon trip we had a little school of Common dolphins escorting us for a while.
by Fatima Kutzschbach
Sightings of the day:
Ribeira Brava
09.00: Atlantic Spotted dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins
13.30: Bottlenose dolphins, Common dolphins
09.00: Atlantic Spotted dolphins