During our morning trip, we had happy kids on board. They enjoyed their sightings with Common dolphins and Atlantic Spotted dolphins very much. Kiera was very surprised to see the dolphins so quickly after we left the harbor. And Jacob had very interesting questions. Certainly we love it very much if our little guest are curious and eager for knowledge. Florences eyes were shinning with joy. During the evening trip we also had Luisas family on the boat. At the end of our trip everybody laughed because of a video where if was possible to hear the acclaims really clear.
by Fatima Kutzschbach
Todays sightings:
Ribeira Brava:
09.00: Atlantic Spotted dolphins, Common dolphins
13.30: Common dolphins
17.00: Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins
09.00: Common dolphins
15.30: Common dolphins, Atlantic Spotted dolphins
18.00: Bottlenose dolphin, Atlantic Spotted dolphins, Common dolphins