We started our day right away with an amazing four species, starting with a big school of Atlantic Spotted Dolphins. It was like a greeting when they jumped with high speed towards our boat, in order to get in a good position to ride the bow-wave. How elegant, curious, acrobatic and joyful animals where. It is unique to experience them so close. Before we met another school of Rough-toothed dolphins, we got a call from Carlos (our spotter), leading us towards a baleen whale, just in front of Calheta harbour. It was definitely a baleen whale, but it was difficult to tell which species, since we couldn’t see him close. Also, on the other trips we had great sightings, and so, another successful day on the ocean went by.
by Astrid Haas
Todays sightings:
Ribeira Brava:
15.00: Bottlenose Dolphins and Common Dolphins
09.00: Atlantic Spotted Dolphins, Bottlenose Dolphins, Rough-toothed Dolphins and a Baleen whale
15.30: Common Dolphins, Bottlenose Dolphins, Atlantic Spotted Dolphins and Rough-toothed Dolphins
18.00: Atlantic Spotted Dolphins (Snorkeltrip) and Bottlenose Dolphins