Balaenoptera physalus
Endlich mal wieder was Großes: wir sahen sage und schreibe 7 Finwale auf unserer Fahrt mit der STENELLA, zwei davon Jungtiere und außerdem noch eine große Schule Tümmler. Die Natur ist so, jede Fahrt ist anders und nicht immer werden unsere Bemühungen so reich belohnt. Gestern waren die Fahrten der Ribeira Brava erfolglos, doch heute wurden wir dafür doppelt entschädigt 😀
Tursiops truncatus
Finally again something big: we saw today on our STENELLA trip 7 fin whales, two of them with their young once. Nice sighting as well the big pod of bottlenose dolphins. Nature is like this, trips are always different and not always our efforts are honored so great like today. Yesterday the Ribeira Brava tours were unsuccessful and today it was double the nice 😀
Balaenoptera physalus
Finalmente de novo algo bem grande: hoje com a STENELLA vimos 7 baleias comuns, duas delas eram crias e também o grupo grande de roazes foram bonitos. A natureza é mesmo assim, cada viagem é diferente e nem sempre os nossos esforços são assim honrados como hoje. Ontem não tivemos sorte com as viagens da Ribeira Brava, mas hoje fomos recompensados 😀
Tursiops truncatus
1 Comment
So beautifull