Today everything happened directly in front of our door, the harbor. As soon as we went out we had the first sighting of a Tropical whale and to our joy he was very sociable. He swam very calmly and approached us quite a few times. But we had not only this one whale! After this nice encounter we saw again Baleen whales, but even if I suggest they were as well Tropical whales, I can’t say for sure since they kept their distance. When we met our second mother and calf pair we got surprised. The youngster was very interactive with us. I would have liked to call him “Spotti” since we behaved in a very typical curious Atlantic SPOTTED dolphin way. Five whales in one trip is a good reason to call this trip a great success!
By Fatima Kutzschbach
Sighting of the day
Ribeira Brava
10:00 Tropical whales