Today our guests from Ribeira Brava hat a lot of time to enjoy the ride since it was a long way going west. Most probably our traditional fishing boat never went that far to the West since it is used for Whale Watching, a record for Ribeira Brava … we almost saw the lights of Americas East coast ;). What lured us so far in this direction? It was the happening of a huge feast! Cory’s Shearwater’s; Manx Shearwater’s; a lot of school fish and a Baleen whale we met on this spot. Unfortunately (for us) but understandably (for the whale) he was very busy to take care of the fish. Which Baleen whale it was? We couldn’t say with a guaranty, he was too far away.
By Fatima Kutzschbach
Sighting of the day
Ribeira Brava
10.00: unidentified Baleen whale