We always plan our trips to make the experiences out at sea as educational as possible for our guests. All the guides at Lobosonda have a vast knowledge on the biology, life cycles and social behavior of the marine animals occurring around the archipelago and use these facts to encourage our visitors to respect the ocean and its inhabitants.
These anecdotes of knowledge are particularly important for the younger generations, especially children. Children are the future of our planet and, unfortunately, will inherit the environmental issues we are creating making it essential to communicate such ongoing affairs to them. While we consider raising awareness amongst our guests as our duty, we also enjoy having kids on board as it allows us to bear witness to their natural affinity to wild animals. We had a family on board our morning tour and their young daughters were thrilled to see Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and listened attentively as I explained a thing or two about them.
While we are on the subject of future generations; dolphins also experience social learning. They learn hunting strategies, problem solving, methods of communication and adaptations to ever-changing environmental factors from older animals in the herd.
The education of younger generations on current changes by their peers is therefore a necessity that stretches through the entire animal kingdom.
By Paula Thake
Sightings of the day
Ribeira Brava
10:00 Bottlenose dolphins
14:30 Bottlenose dolphins