And I`m back! After my three month break I can only say that it feels very good to be back on the water. After a stormy two weeks on the island, the wind once again seemed threatening enough to question the eventuality of a morning tour. Luckily, things quietened down and both skipper and spotter confirmed that the trip could take place. We sped out clad in water-proof gear to search for animals and soon found a handful of Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) that were in the middle of a hunt. In the process of surrounding and intimidating their prey, they gently approached our zodiac as the large school of fish they were pursuing swam beneath us. The Common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) we encountered a little later on, took less of an interest in us. They had just finished feeding and were engaged in a speedy eastward travel dive during which we were able to observe some brief bow-riding from a few of the larger animals. The conditions didn`t make things easy but it was nonetheless a lovely start with nice sightings and a friendly, interested group of guests.
by Paula Thake
Sightings of the day
10:00 Bottlenose dolphins, Common dolphins