In cases like today when we meet whales the question arises about projection for these animals. Generally it is forbidden to hunt whales for commercial reasons. But there are quite a few countries which just don’t care about the rules. Japan just started their bloody journey to Antarctica to kill a big amount of whales.
Australia went to court to stop Japan in this cruel practice and got right, but now they are again on their way to harm nature. They use the back door of scientific whaling. But really, what important reasons are allowing killing life, to slaughter lots of Minke whales? Personally this can be only science about the cruelty and greed of humankind, who is able to act like this.
All this, is difficult to imagine if we have such wonderful sightings like today with Bottlenose dolphins and Tropical whales.
Click here for the promised petition against whaling. And for more information check out this link and this link. Please be part of the whale support! Thank you very much!
by Fatima Kutzschbach
Sightings of the day
Ribeira Brava
14.30: Tropical whale
10.00: Bottlenose dolphins, Tropical whales