This morning started promising: a calm sea and the information from our spotter: “Sperm whales in front of Cabo Girão”. But unfortunately it came differently, no Sperm whales far and wide. Our gaze wandered over the blue, but the animals didn`t come up again. But we met someone else out there, a small red research vessel from CiiMar Madeira. These young people work on a project to take biopsy from our Bottlenose dolphins and Pilot whales. These biopsies are an invasive method which sheds light on the nutritional condition of the animals and gives as well information about the kinship relations in between the animals.
CiiMar Madeira is quite an interesting project and surely worth to write more about it in a bad weather blog, but for now we will just give you the website (for the curious one who cannot wait:
During our afternoon trip we also needed to train a special technique: Whale waiting! We got a brief pick at a Baleen whale and since he showed so briefly there was no chance to identify him.
By Fatima Kutzschbach
Sightings of the day
Ribeira Brava
14.30: unidentified Baleen whale
10.00: no sighting