It is midsummer and we had Christmas feelings. Why? Today was a day filled with presents! The ocean was smooth and soft and full of wonderful surprises, the sea was filled with different species and we were filled with wonder. During our noon trip, Common dolphins came close to the boat during our first sighting, followed up by powerful Bottlenose dolphins, which were also interactive with us today. Suddenly we heard “SCHHH”, the respiration of a Tropical whale and she was accompanied by a calf. What did we have as sighting dessert at the end? Brisk Atlantic Spotted dolphins approached us with long jumps. The afternoon trip was in a very different way totally beautiful as well. The big variety of different species was astonishing! Bottlenose dolphins, Sperm whales, Common dolphins, again Common dolphins, Tropical whales and Atlantic Spotted dolphins crossed our way and took our breath! What impressing encounters! Nature, we thank you! Why “High five”? We saw five different species today. High five to our amazing spotter Carlos!!!! Thank you!
by Fatima Kutzschbach
Sightings of the day:
Ribeira Brava
17.00: Common dolphins, Tropical whales, Atlantic Spotted dolphins
09.00: Atlantic Spotted dolphins, Tropical whales
12.00: Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins, Tropical whales, Atlantic Spotted dolphins
15.30: Bottlenose dolphins, Sperm whales, Common dolphins, Tropical whales, Atlantic Spotted dolphins