On board the Ribeira Brava today, still with clouds and rain, we were fortunate enough to observe a juvenil Monk Seal (Monachus monachus). A nice surprise, since we had no cetacean sighting during the trip. This critical endagered specie, is under a conservation program since the late 80’s. The population is recovering very slowly since then, and in the last years, the Parque Natural da Madeira, has registered newborns, giving some hope for the Monotoring and Conservation Programs. The monotoring of newborns, true videorecording is now available to the general public, for the most curios bloguers. Check it out on www.pnm.pt, or on Facebook Page – Serviço do Parque Natural da Madeira.
For us, just now, it’s interesting to find a young Monk seal so far off the shore and till now the animal couldn’t be identified by the PNM. On our site you find more about the species Monachus monachus here.
by Daniel Jardim
Todays sightings:
Ribeira Brava:
10.00: Mediterranean Monk Seal