The early morning trip started with Bottlenose dolphins having breakfast in the open ocean, it reminded me Breakfast at Tiffany´s 🙂 they were busy but we had time to observe them. After that, our fun-factor came up: Atlantic Spotted dolphins. On the way back the Bottlenose, now fed up, were in the mood to jump, sometimes we saw two or three animals up in the air. The trip from the middle afternoon went even better with Pilot whales, Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins and Risso´s dolphins. At the evening trip our guests observed Common dolphins and Bottlenose dolphins.
by Fatima Kutzschbach
Todays sightings:
Ribeira Brava:
09:00: Bottlenose dolphins, Atlantic Spotted dolphins
13.30: Pilot whales, Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins, Risso dolphins
17.00: Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins