The day started a bit to the grey side, looking gloom and with a bit of wind on the west side of the island. On days like this, we already know it will be a difficult job to our spotter to find something but hope is the last thing that dies, as far the old saying goes.
After a while, we got a call from the eyes on land, spotter has seen something white offshore… what could it be? a white cap, a splash of a dolphin? We headed to where the spotter has seen the white spot and our surprise… bingo!! A Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeanglie), the white “spot” was indeed the pectoral fin sticking out of the water, what a sight! It is not often that we see them around Madeira’s waters, so for us it was jackpot 🙂
by Daniel Jardim
Sightings of the day
09:30 Humpback whale