Schwere Zeiten gibt es auch auf dem Meer, wir sahen heute nur einen einzigen Delfin. Pottwale tauchten mehrmals ab bevor wir mit dem Boot nah genug dran waren. Frustrierend für alle und die Gäste haben am Ende mich getröstet. Danke für Ihre Geduld und Ihr Verständnis.
Difficult times may happen as well on the ocean, we only saw one dolphin today. The sperm whales dived several times before our boat was near enough. Very frustrating for all of us and in the end the guests on board were trying to comfort me. Thanks for your nice words.
Tempos difíceis também acontecem no mar, hoje vimos só um único golfinho. Os cachalotes mergulharam varias vezes antes de o barco conseguiu estar perto. É frustrante para todos e no final os clientes tentaram-me animar. Obrigada pela vossa paciência e compreensão.