Fresh from the holidays our captain Filipe and our guide Fatima went together with a bunch of nice guests out on a sunny sea towards an amazing sighting (new start) with a huge mixed group of dolphins. Dolphins everywhere and to our joy as well in our bow. The Striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba) which are normally very busy with themselves, adapted oneself to the often interactive behavior of the Common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) and swam happily in the bow of the boat. It is again an interesting observation that across species one is assimilating to the behavior of the other. In our case we were lucky the Striped dolphins imitated the Common dolphins. Our guest from Switzerland put it in perfect words: “This trip was tiptop!” and “Where joy reigns!”. Today both were definitely the case! 🙂
by Fatima Kutzschbach
Sightings of the day
Ribeira Brava
10:00 Striped dolphins, Common dolphins