What a pleasure to be on the ocean on a Sunday morning. Our guests had a rich, varied, adventurous time. We observed Common dolphins, Blainville`s Beaked whales and Bottlenose dolphins. Our special guests were: one Loggerhead turtle, Portuguese Man of war, Cory`s Shearwaters and three Trigger fishes. With the last ones we had a great interaction. They came always very curious close to our boat Stenella. The afternoon trip is easy explained: many … Common dolphins and a few Blainville`s Beaked whales. Another nice trip!
by Fatima Kutzschbach
Todays sightings:
Ribeira Brava:
09.00: Common dolphins, Blainville`s Beaked whales, Bottlenose dolphins
13.30: Common dolphins, Blainville`s Beaked whales
09.00: Common dolphins, Blainville`s Beaked whales, Bottlenose dolphins