Today we saved a Loggerhead Sea-turtle. My colleagues Fatima and Señor Luis were so courageous and managed to bring the turtle on board. There we saw that she had a hook stuck in the mouth, which went also through her eye. The hook was attached to a fishing line, which was fixed on a buoy. So, the poor animal could never have freed itself without help. Now we are strongly hoping that the wound is healing and the turtle recovers well.
Besides this, we observed a very active school of Atlantic spotted dolphins. It was a kind of water circus, with many high jumps and somersaults. One animal performed 13 high jumps on after the other. What a magnificent spectacle.
by Astrid Haas
Todays sightings:
Ribeira Brava:
13.30: Striped dolphins
17.00: Spotted dolphins
09.00: Bottlenose dolphins, Spotted dolphins